


waves of energy
I am tired, physically tired, and I don’t concentrate well when I am tired.

That’s not such a big deal when all I am talking about is blogging. When I am working in the ER it is a bit more of a problem. There have been days where I was surprised I managed not to kill anyone make any mistakes.

My poor baby waiting for doctor

My little 3 year old has been coughing for days and started running a high fever today. The last two nights have been spent listening to her cough all night and going to her countless times during the night to comfort her.

Last night my hubby even got kicked out of bed and slept in my daughter’s bed while she crawled in with me and slept coughed all over me all night. Hubby says he is too old to sleep in a bunk bed anymore, even if it is the bottom bunk.

So I have been sitting her for a long time staring at the computer screen and willing myself to write my blog for today. Not because I think the world is going to come to an end if I don’t write for one day. But rather because I have committed to myself that I want to write everyday.

I usually spend a long time writing my posts and when I don’t I am not as happy with my work. I have so many half written posts and so many ideas in my head. And like Paula who wrote today in her blog post Mojo? What Mojo?, my thoughts have all seem to have disappeared as well.

So as I was beating myself up and deciding what to write, I patted myself on the back and said: “Susie, it’s ok if every once in a while you do not have energy. Give yourself a break”. Not that that concept is something new to me. I have learned to do that really well in regards to housework, errands and all kinds of other stuff. (I am sure my husband is nodding his head passionately at that comment. I am thinking he is tired of washing dishes and living in a pigsty mess.)

But until today, I have not let myself do that with my blogging. Maybe I am worried that if I will let my blogging slide if I don’t continue to live up to the standards I have set for myself. I don’t know.

So I hope my giving myself a break and not writing something too deep today is okay with all of you who read my blog. But truly it really is okay every once in a while to admit you are out of energy or inspiration. I am sure that it is nothing sleep (or an extra few hours in a day) won’t remedy. Hopefully, I will get some soon. Heck, it’s only 1 am…….

Have any of you ever just run out of steam?

Airton Kieling | Flickr Creative Commons

I am sure most of us have had ay least one incidence of wondering or thinking about someone and within the next few days they either call, you run into them or you hear about them from someone else. Even and especially people you haven’t seen or heard from in ages.

Those who believe in The Secret and The Law of Attraction (which I do), will tell you that your thoughts and energies are attracting the person to you in.

Either way, that is what happened to me yesterday. A few days ago I was thinking about how there are some people in your life who never even know what a positive source of inspiration they are to you. I thought of someone like that and I said to myself I really should just take the time to write her a short note about how every time I have spoken to her I always find myself smiling.

Yesterday I needed to do food shopping, one of my less than beloved chores. I kept pushing it off, and I finally managed to get there in the late afternoon. As I am shopping, who do I run into? Of course, you guessed, the woman I was thinking of.

She lives in my community but I see her maybe once a year. She is about ten or so years older than me and we met years ago at exercise class. (Since I haven’t been there for years, it explains why I don’t see her much.) She is well off but what I like about her is that the way she is, I have never found myself envious of her. I am just happy for her and all the opportunities she has. Among other things, years ago she spent 9 months traveling around the world with her family and she has an amazing convertible.

But she is down to earth and so friendly. She is open and empathetic and like I said to her when I bumped into her, everytime I have a conversation with her she lifts my mood.

I was glad I had the opportunity to bump into her and tell her in person what I was thinking. Sadly, I am not sure I ever would have gotten around to writing her a note.

So take a few minutes to think about someone you appreciate, miss or wonder what ever happened to them. You might just draw them back into your life.

Have you ever had this happen to you?


Stig Nygaard | Flickr Creative Commons

Talk to Me Straight
I have always known that when you are authentic and open with people, people tend to be open with you as well.

Yesterday I read a really good article on Oprah’s website about the power of authenticity written by Mike Robbins. It not only explained why you should be authentic but also gave 5 principles as a guide for being authentic. The principles are: knowing yourself, transforming your fear, expressing yourself, being bold and celebrating who you are.

All of those are things I have been working on. As far as expressing myself, I haven’t needed that much practice. I am a very open person much to the chagrin of my husband. What you see is what you get. I do not have a good poker face and I stink at lying. I also sometimes tell people too much and too easily. (Now you get why I like blogging. )

So because I am such an open book, people often tend to open up to me as well.

As many of you know I entered a competition whose prize is a book contract. Of course I asked everyone I knew to vote for me. If you haven’t voted for me yet click here for the information.

I was pleasantly surprised when a good friend of mine sent me back a request to read a manuscript he had written. It was good and it had obviously taken a long time to write. All that came to mind is that the more open I am and the more I go after my own dreams, others open up and share their dreams as well.

It was heartwarming and encouraging to me. Maybe part of my journey whether I ever publish a book or not, is to be part of the process for others. Who knows? It was just nice to see.

Have you ever found that when you open up, people open up to you as well?


Robert Nunnally | Flickr Creative Commons

New York - Beauty and the BeastIt is a bit of a cliché, but beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

Some people see only the outer beauty, some see only the inner beauty. Some are lucky enough to see both.

I am sure we all know couples where one person is a beauty, and the other is quote the opposite. Sometimes we even shake our heads in amazement but obviously, outer beauty isn’t everything.

We also all see everyday things differently. What is a work of art to one person is an eyesore to someone else. What is beautiful to one person is a nuisance to another.

If you are an animal lover you probably appreciate the beauty in animals that I could never appreciate. Sure there are some things that maybe I appreciate on a superficial level, but not quite the way someone who truly loves animals would. (Though I do love flocks of birds soaring in the sky. They fascinate me.)

I give you my version of ugly. Cows.

So maybe it is just the really awful smell I associate with them. Or the way they poop everywhere. Which takes me back to the smell.

So while I do like to drink milk, sorry black and white fellows, you cows are a bit ugly looking.

So what do you think makes someone or something ugly as opposed to beautiful. Is it just looks or something more?

New York-Beauty and the Beast

Video4net | Flickr Creative Commons
This post was inspired by the prompt of “UGLY” at The Gallery Week 6 run by Tara at Sticky Fingers.